Category: Q & A

  • Muse “Shine” acoustic

    Q: I heard a song on called “Shine” that was beautiful with the lyrics “Hope was the one now im gone take me back again” at the end. Who is it and where can I hear it? Tim, Iowa City A: We are happy to report that the band is Muse and the song is…

  • Ludacris’ braids – what happened?

    Q: I loved Ludacris’ braids. They were tight. Do you have photos of him with braids? – Kimmy Chitown, IL A: We did some digging, but it wasn’t too difficult to find. Most people seemed to want to know why he cut the braids. Here is a quote straight from Luda: “The haircut was, quote,…

  • YouTube video of Adam Lambert Mad World

    I want to see a good video of Adam Lambert performing “Mad World” on American Idol on youTube but they all suck. Help!! – Sarah – Atlanta, GA Well Sarah, it really isn’t that hard to find. But since you asked here it is–not from YouTube. Although we did love the video of Adam Lambert’s…

  • Alicia Keys bikini photo is in demand

    Where can I see the Alicia Key’s bikini photo? -Terry, Bridgeport, CT. We’ve had a ton of people email us about these Alicia Keys bikini photos. It seems they are actually everywhere. So I’m not sure why you are having such a hard time. So after some digging around we found them. -Hip

  • Propaganda lyrics for “Eye to Eye”

    Question: A song containing the lyrics ‘the first cut won’t hurt at all, the second only make you wonder, the third will have you on your knees…’ I think by Art of Noise. What is the song title? – Alan Answer: The band is Propaganda and the song is “Eye To Eye (duel -the First…

  • You’ve got Questions we’ll try to find the Answers

    This is a new feature to Hip Online. We want you to submit your music related questions. It could be about anything. We’ll do the work and try to answer them. Try us on for size. [contact-form 2 “Questions”]

  • Hip hop nickname generator

    Where can I find a hip-hop name generator?

  • Free online christmas music

    Question: Where can I listen to free online Christmas music? – Carrie, Toronto, Canada

  • What kind of music do Brazilians listen to?

    We had a reader email and ask what kind of music Brazilians listen to. Although we aren’t experts, we did some research and here is what we found out. A great resource for information is both and Wikipedia for information. About says that: “Although Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world, with…

  • New Michael Jackson music

    We’ve seen a lot of searches at Hip Online for “new Michael Jackson music” so we thought the best we could do is link to a few sources for either getting the song or hearing it and give you a little information.