“Found That Soul” – Complete anthem that gets you on the first listen.
“Ocean Spray” – Not the deepest gun in the Manic’s arsenal, but a tribute to their melodic skills.
“Intravenous Agnostic” – Brings the punk back to the men.
“So Why So Sad” – A funky little Beach Boy harmony hides below the surface as James Dean Bradfield sings atop.
“Let Robeson Sing” – Here they come out with one of the album’s most beautiful tracks while keeping the memory of a revolutionary alive. Paul Robeson was a man with one voice and he let it sing proud and loud.
“The Year Of Purification” – Once again beautiful while standing poignant.
“Wattsville Blues” – Darker, which will remind many fans of the good old days.
“Miss Europa Disco Dancer” – Sounds like a B-side from Saturday Night Fever.
“Dead Martyrs” – Dark, bleak. Aren’t you glad the Manics are back?
“His Last Painting” – Simple, yet certain.
“My Guernica” – Guernica referring to, I suppose, Picasso’s painting that held many images being abstract. Actually, the bridge to this song could easily have been the chorus, as strong as it is (“keep it together – hold it together”). To me, the song is about going crazy, but as with anything abstract, it’s all up to what you think it’s about.
“The Convalescent” – This track is my least favorite. It doesn’t seem well thought out and is all over the place. One moment talking about Jack Kevorkian, next referring to Marilyn Manson aka Brian Warner as having “a tasty little ass.” This track is not up to par.
“Royal Correspondent” – About someone who is in love with the royals and would do anything to be them, but the song lacks the touch of the others.
“Epicentre” – Another loose track.
“Baby Elian” – Won’t this Elian Gonzales thing ever die? This song wasn’t necessary. It feels like the Manics are reaching here. If it were done well, it would have been welcome. However, I did like the reference to it as “operation Peter Pan.” I bet the press wishes they thought that up.
“Freedom Of Speech Won’t Feed My Children” – A chorus as dark and brooding as the message. The concoction is something missed for years since they preached the gospel on the Holy Bible.
The Manic Street Preachers can’t exist solely to tackle politics. They are a rock band after all. The big problem with Know Your Enemy is that it should have ended at track eleven and this would have been a magnificent piece of work. Instead, they dance with Picasso and other mumbo jumbo much too long.
+ charlie craine
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