Will controversial lyrics make or break Corporate Avenger? I have no idea. Some of what they say is true and shouldn’t be much of a surprise to any of us. The biggest problem they will find is that the churches in America have grown more narrow-minded.
‘I See blood on the hands of the master race’ is how “Christians Murdered Indians”. Didn’t most of us learn something similar in college? Well, I assume only if you went to a state school. There isn’t much melody for this track, but that changes with “Fault The Police (I Don’t)”. It has a decent melody and seems to be a run at NWA’s “Fuck The Police”.
“FBI Files” claims that the ‘war on drugs is a war on people.’ That depends on which side of the fence you fall on. This track is a little comical and actually sounds like Insane Clown Posse. My favorite song is “Taxes Are Stealing”. It seems to be true anyhow and they make a really convincing argument.
The song that will create the biggest stir is “The Bible Is Bullshit” and its chorus ‘The bible is bullshit/ the Koran is a lie/ the bagavad gita did not fall from the sky/ these are the books that were written by men/ they’ve caused wars/ now follow if you can.’ As evil and wrong as you may think these lyrics are, they claim to be only looking for ‘time for you to love one another/ it’s time for you recognize your brother/ it’s time for us to stop killing our mother/ it’s time for us to care for each other.’ The one song that I found to be quite intolerable was “Jesus Christ Homosexual”. They try to make some points, but they fall as they are littered with the chorus and weak harassments.
Corporate Avenger sometimes talk out of their asses, but even when they do it’s at least interesting to listen to. Most of this entire album, ignoring the controversial subjects, is something new and mostly refreshing. Corporate Avenger takes it further than Rage Against The Machine ever did, so who is the real voice of the people? You’ll have to decide.
+ charlatan
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