Coldplay’s first record Parachutes put them in a pretty tough position. First how the hell do you follow up what is one of the best records in a long, long time? I’ll tell you how, A Rush Of Blood To The Head.
“Politik” – calls for us to open up our eyes. The same goes for you ears. But there is a message hidden here.
“Clocks” – Ah, here it is. Glorious. It sounds hymn like, but never fear.
“Amsterdam” – Death isn’t this pretty is it?
“In My Place” – What a beautiful guitar riff. If that isn’t enough for you to fall for this track then just let singer Chris Martin hypnotize you.
“The Scientist” – “I’m going back to the start”. I’m not sure where Martin keeps coming up with such painfully gorgeous songs, but I hope he never stops.
“God Put A Smile Upon Your Face” and “Clocks” – Lush and beautiful.
“A Rush Of Blood To The Head” – very interesting. Listen to the words and try to sort it out.
“Green Eyes” – The first time around this song bothered me, but after listening a few times you find it sticks to you.
“Warning Sign”
“Whisper” – Here is the difference between Rush and Parachutes; Parachutes had not one bad song. “Whisper” is annoying with layers rippled throughout making it impossible to enjoy what we came for, the vocals.
Sure Parachutes is better. But that album is a classic. This may suffer from being too mellow, but everyone said the same about Parachutes. Take your moods as they come; A Rush Of Blood To The Head is a grand sequel.
Coldplay is what Radiohead once thought they were.
+ charlie craine
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