Honestly, Afroman sounds like a cross between Humpty Hump and the 2 Live Crew.
I’m going to cover the bad first. “Crazy Rap” is plain bad. “She Won’t Let Me” is a bad taste of humor. I can laugh at nasty, dirty music like that of 2 Live Crew, but here it’s not as entertaining. And what the hell is the deal with the squawking chicken? It comes again and again on “Tumbleweed”, of course about pot, which is terrible except one line that cracked me up that goes, “It takes me out of my mental ghetto/ and into the Bahamas.”
In the middle is the bizarre “Hush”. Afroman can actually sing, when he’s not doing that annoying deep falsetto that sounds like the Digital Underground. Getting better is “The American Dream”. And the best track is the single “Because I Got High”. I can see this as the next stoner anthem. It is funny, even after a few listens. It’s tasteless and dumb, but, hey, you can’t ignore the hook. It’s just too bad that in the end The Good Times is all about partying, but too much partying can lead to a hangover and too much Afroman does the same.
+ CC Morris
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