CORPORATE LINE: In X-MEN: THE LAST STAND, the final chapter in the “X-Men” motion picture trilogy, a “cure” for mutancy threatens to alter the course of history. For the first time, mutants have a choice: retain their uniqueness, though it isolates and alienates them, or give up their powers and become human. The opposing viewpoints of mutant leaders Charles Xavier, who preaches tolerance, and Magneto, who believes in the survival of the fittest, are put to the ultimate test – triggering the war to end all wars.
THE REVIEW: Thankfully X-Men 3: The Last Stand wasn’t the first X-Men movie or the franchise may not have reached a third film. The Last Stand doesn’t have near the character development or tension of the first two.
Again, Magneto hatches a plan and wants to take over the human race and let the mutants run the world. And then there is Doctor Hank McCoy, better know as Beast, who is extremely intelligent and seeks to make changes through politics. Beast believes in the system and that it can provide true justice. It’s a timeless story and also one that has broken many hearts, but the movie is only so long and there is too much action to get to.
Of course the rest of the cast is back—thankfully. And it seems they are all at odds with each other. Even though there might be too much drama, the action saves the day. The effects are bigger and more exciting than ever. Director Brett Ratner did a serviceable job—but it would have been interesting to see what Singer might have done. Ratner took the approach of bigger is better and it worked well to make us forget all of the plot holes.
THE EXTRAS: The commentary by Director Bret Ratner and screenwriters Simon Kinberg and Zak Penn is less than stellar. Ratner seems to be having fun and it might’ve been more interesting to hear a serious commentary about making the movie. Fans aren’t going to be interested in the history of the X-Men considering it’s been out there for a long time.
The commentary with producers Avi Arad, Lauren Shuler Donner, and Ralph Winter is not much different. They talk about the change of directors and that is about all the new information offered.
The deleted scenes suffer from a lack of interesting content. Flubbs or bloopers would have been more interesting. Instead we are given different takes of scenes. There are scenes that were cut down—such as the fight at Jean Grey’s house. It’s a shame there wasn’t more interesting and entertaining items. It would have been more appealing to see entire scenes that were deleted—not retakes or scenes that were simply edited down for time or an attempt to help with the rating.
Finally, there are three alternate endings with optional commentary which aren’t a large change from the original.
FRANKLY: In a summer with a lot of attempts at producing blockbusters, X-Men 3: The Last Stand is so far the only real event. X-Men 3 is fast paced and ends like the rest of the franchise films; too quick.
+ Charlie Craine
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