THE STORY: The year is 2021. Deep below the ocean’s surface, looms a vast, magnificently high-tech compound: Sealab. A multi-national scientific station with an annual budget in the trillions, dedicated to the research and exploration of man’s final frontier… Sealab’s crew is charged with exploring the possibility of underwater colonization. As the Earth’s surface, by this time, has gotten just generally crowded, hot, and icky. However, as most government-funded agencies usually are, Sealab is manned by a motley collection of malcontents and screw-ups who were unfit for work in the private sector. They really don’t get any research done, but instead spend their time bickering among themselves. Or just plain goofing off. The crew have manipulated their luckless leader, Captain Murphy, into submission, and are content to ride the government clock, raking in fat, hazardous-duty paychecks.
THE REVIEW: The fourth season is sadly the final season of Sealab 2021. The final season wasn’t the best but it still featured a good cast of voice actors including Erik Estrada.
34. ASHDTV – SeaLab accidentally come into possession of SpaceLab’s ASHDTV (Asteroid Smasher High-Definition Television).
35. Chalkboard Jungle – Dr. Quinn and Captain Shanks substitute for Debbie Love.
36. Dearly Beloved Seed – Captain Shanks hopes to adopt Hesh and Debbie’s child, but thigns go awry at the wedding.
37. Craptastic Voyage – Captain Shanks gets a nasty brain tumor, but it’s against his religion to see a doctor about it. So Dr. Quinn and some of the other crew members get shrunken down and injected into Captain Shanks’ bloodstream, where they must make their way from his ass to his brain and get rid of the tumor before it kills Captain Shanks or before their miniaturization wears off. Whichever comes first.
38. Let `Em Eat Corn – Fed up with paying taxes, Stormy inspires Captain Shanks to declare Sealab a sovereign nation. Unfortunately, soon after Shanks declares the existance of the nation of “Sealabia” and acquires some nuclear arms from England, everyone else gets the same idea and starts forming their own countries. And before anyone knows it, full-out nuclear war threatens Sealab with utter annihilation. But what else is new?
39. Neptunati – The crew discovers that Captain Shanks is a member of a world-manipulating secret society, the Brotherhood of Neptune. However, this means that he has to put them all through the initiation process (including long-winded oaths and drinking human blood through a crazy straw). This soon proves to be a mistake, as they start using the Captain’s new mystical trinket, the Trident of Neptune, to fufill their petty whims. When Stormy takes the trident for a joyride (literally and figuratively), can Shanks get it back before Stormy awakens the dreaded Kraken, AND before Shanks gets in trouble with his superiors?
40. Isla de Chupacabra – Shanks brings the crew to an island to improve their teamwork, by hunting the Chupacabra. However the island’s Chupacabra, tree-cobras, and man-eating trees have other plans for the gang…
41. Joy of Grief – A Grief Counselor named Joy comes to Sealab to help the gang deal with Marco’s death. But it isn’t long before Shanks drives her crazy. With Joy on a killing rampage Sealab’s only hope is Marco’s shark/human hybrid son.
42. Green Fever – A horrible disease known as Green Fever infects almost all of Sealab turning them into zombie-like creatures with a hunger for human flesh. Dr. Virjay then flees the station leaving Quinn to stop the zombies. Meanwhile Debbie celebrates her thirtieth birthday.
43. Sharko’s Machine – Shanks refuses to hire Sharko because, well, he’s a shark-man. Determined to help him Debbie vows to tutor Sharko so he can pass his Civil Servant Test but realizes she’s bitten of more than she can chew. She asks Quinn for help but he refuses until Shanks makes a racial comment about him. In the meantime Hesh and Stromy try to grow a magic beanstalk.
44. Return of Marco –
Marco’s back! And with a very interesting story to tell involving gang members, ninjas and shaved ice!
“Shrabster Forward” – A double up of hilarious episodes.
“Legacy of Laughter” (alternate ending)” – A thirty second ending.
“Joy of Grief (deleted scenes)” – Very short extra that is barely funny.
“Best of Sealab/Sunken Treasures” – A sixteen minute best of featurette.
“Nightshift” – A twelve minute “behind-the-scenes” look at “real” workers at Sealab.
+ Charlie Craine
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