CORPORATE LINE: Currently the longest-running sitcom on television, “The Simpsons” aired their historic 350th episode on May 1, 2005. The critically acclaimed series features Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie Simpson who take traditional family life and turn it upside down. Exploding into a cultural phenomenon in 1990, “The Simpsons” has remained one of the most visible and marketable properties both domestically and internationally. Having received a Star on The Hollywood Walk of Fame on January 14, 2000, “The Simpsons” series also features celebrity guest stars. Season eight celebrity guest voices included Gillian Anderson, Albert Brooks, Michael Buffer, Johnny Cash, Tim Conway, Rodney Dangerfield, David Duchovny, Kelsey Grammer, Bret “Hitman” Hart, David Hyde Pierce, Jack Lemmon, Joe Mantegna, Leonard Nimoy, Alex Rocco, Gailard Sartain, Sab Shimono, Dave Thomas, John Waters and Paul Winfield.
THE REVIEW: The eighth season still finds the Simpsons unbelievably fresh, and dare we say still, and yet to peak. This isn’t a show that has become little more than a cash cow. The Simpsons always have things to mock and people to satire. Some of my favorite episodes of all time come from the eighth season. It’s amazing to think that the Simpsons are still hilarious after ten years.
Some of the best episodes include: “Burns, Baby Burns,” “Homer Vs. The Eighteenth Amendment,” “Homer’s Phobia,” “Hurricane Neddy,” “In Marge We Trust,” “Lisa’s Date with Density,” “The Homer They Fall” and “The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show.”
In “The Homer They Fall,” Homer takes on Mike Tyson type boxer. Then there is Mr. Burns finding his once lost teddy bear Bobo in “Burns, Baby Burns.” “Hurricane Neddy” features Ned Flanders losing his mind and suffering from a nervous breakdown.
* Treehouse of Horror VII
* You Only Move Twice
* The Homer They Fall
* Burns, Baby, Burns
* Bart After Dark
* A Milhouse Divided
* Lisa’s Date With Density
* Hurricane Neddy
* El Viaje Misterioso De Nuestro Jomer
* The Springfield Files
* The Twisted World of Marge Simpson
* Mountain of Madness
* Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala (d’oh) cious
* The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show
* Homer’s Phobia
* The Brother From Another Series
* My Sister, My Sitter
* Homer vs. The Eighteenth Amendment
* Grade School Confidential
* The Canine Mutiny
* The Old Man And The Lisa
* In Marge We Trust
* Homer’s Enemy
* The Simpsons Spin-Off Showcase
* The Secret War of Lisa Simpson
THE EXTRAS: The special introduction from creator Matt Groening isn’t exactly a feature to get excited about while the commentary on every episode by creator Matt Groening and executive producer Josh Weinstein, joined by (variously) the producers, writers, directors, and voice cast are a must view. There is nothing more interesting than listening to the show creators discussing each episode in detail about everything from adding new characters and storylines.
“The Simpsons House” – an interesting featurette on the building of an actual Simpsons house and given to a contest winner.
There are other bonus features such as; Multi-angle animation showcase, animators’ illustrated commentaries on select episodes, original sketches, deleted scenes, and special language feature on Homer’s Enemy.
FRANKLY: I probably say this with every season of the Simpsons released on DVD, the eighth season of the Simpsons is brilliant. Chockfull of classic episodes, some of which we haven’t mentioned, make the eighth season one of the best yet.
+ Charlie Craine
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