Company Line: Joe Budden is a magician. Not the typical Three-Card Monty dealer on the street either. The 22-year-old MC seemed to come out of nowhere when his hit single “Focus” commandeered the clubs in the fall of 2002. With no glamorous affiliations to buoy him the modern day Rumplestiltskin indeed made something valuable out of nothing. And you’d think it was mere luck of the draw if you didn’t know his story.
The Good:
“#1” – Goes back in time to give props to the days when hip hop was in its youth. Joe Budden brings it slick over a hot beat.
“Walk With Me” – Poignant. Budden gets the point across. Take a walk in his shoes and see what he sees.
“Survivor” – A hot track that isn’t for the clubs yet it hits you in the side.
“Ma Ma Ma” – No one can say Budden can kick out the melodies.
The Marginal:
“Real Life In Rap” – A pimp slap on the hip-hop posers.
“Pump It Up” – They try to pump it up but the well runs dry.
The Ugly:
“Fire” – Busta Rhymes does his best to make this song a mess.
“Give Me Reason” – The track doesn’t fit with the rest of the record.
Frankly: Joe Budden has a slick style and can write a good hook.
+ cc morris
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