
Cast: Richard Gere
Studio: Fox
Rating: 4/10

From the director of Fatal Attraction comes an erotic thriller about the body language of guilt, centering on a couple living in the New York City suburbs whose marriage goes dangerously awry when the wife indulges in an adulterous fling. Nice blurb, but the film doesn’t live up to the hype.

I really could blab on about what Unfaithful is about. I’m just afraid that I might cause some interest in this film. It’s not that the film idea isn’t good it’s just that the film isn’t good. But here we go anyway. Constance (Diane Lane) cheats on her husband Edward (Richard Gere) with Frenchie, Paul (Olivier Martinez). Edward figures out what is going on and he’s not too happy. It takes forever to get to this point.

The rest of Unfaithful is so slow and mundane that you could care less about what happens at this point. Lane gives a decent performance, and Gere is his typical stiff self. Unfaithful is one film you can do without.

+ charlie craine






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