CORPORATE LINE: Start your DVD engines! Diabolical do-badder Dick Dastardly, his snickering canine cohort Muttley and their Mean Machine take on you and all comers for all the fast and furious fun of the complete animated series Wacky Races. Gear up to keep pace with this dimwitted duo as well as their rivals: Peter Perfect in his Turbo Terrific, Luke and Blubber Bear in the Arkansas Chucgabug, the Ant Hill Mob in the Bulletproof Bomb and glamorous Penelope Pitstop in her pink Compact Pussycat. Fasten your seat belts for all 34 original episodes plus Hilarious, High-Speed Extras that will keep you awake at the wheel straight through to the Finish Line!
THE SHOW: Wacky Race isn’t terrible—but doesn’t hold up to early shows like the Flintstones or the Jetsons. The writing just isn’t as strong. The characters are all quite odd and the cars are pretty cool—especially for young boys who dig cars.
The episodes run a little over ten minutes and each seems to be a variation on the others. Nothing really changes—how much can change when a group of people are in a race? Dastardly and Muttley always come up with a plot to try and win—of course it doesn’t work. Remember how Fred Flintstone would run through his house for what seemed like miles with the same backgrounds over and over? Wacky Races is much the same. The scenes seem very similar over and over again. It saved money, but doesn’t do much to keep you interested after a few episodes.
FRANKLY: Wacky Races were wacky for sure, but unless you are a nostalgia buff it really isn’t worth buying. My son wasn’t really into it—and why would he be when he has ten cartoon channels on satellite ranging from Spongebob to Yu-ki-oh. Let’s be honest—he doesn’t like the Flintstone, Jetsons, or any cartoons I grew up on—although Scooby Doo seems to stand the test of time. Wacky Races doesn’t.
+ Charlie Craine
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