The Film Studio Synopsis: Inspired by a true story, the film follows Captain Alexi Vostrikov (Harrison Ford) who, at the height of the Cold War, is ordered to take over command of the nuclear missile submarine K-19, pride of the Soviet Navy. His assignment: prepare the K-19 for sea and take her out on patrol – no matter what the cost. But problems with the K-19 arise that may lead to a core meltdown and explosion that will certainly kill all aboard, and possibly trigger a nuclear war. Vostrikov must choose between his orders from the Kremlin and the lives of his men.
The Good: There is some tension, but nothing that will keep you from heading out to grab another box of popcorn.
The Bad: Doesn’t come close to Das Boot. Can’t even hold a candle to Crimson Tide. Even though it is ‘inspired by a true story’ it doesn’t follow all the same true twists and turns. As you will note inspired means they had license to make it more dramatic. They did but it didn’t work.
There are stages of valor as the crew tries to fix a leak in the core, but there doesn’t seem to be a rhyme or reason for us to see the pain but to frighten the hell out of us. It doesn’t work. Neither does the tension between Ford and Neeson’s character. .
Frankly: Rent Das Boot.
+ charlie craine
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