Corporate Line: Veronica Guerin (Blanchett) was an award-winning journalist for Dublin’s Sunday Independent, whose investigations into the city’s drug underworld puts her in increasing danger…
The Good: Based upon a real movie and a moving story at that. Cate Blanchett is amazing as Guerin. Watching her makes you wonder if she isn’t the most underrated actress in Hollywood. The film moves along at a great clip and keeps you glued to your seat. Guerin had nerves of steel to take the story that made her feel like she’d make a difference, taking down drug lords. She put everything on the line and Blanchett takes this part and never fails to bring it home.
I heard one critic after the film with the gull to say that Guerin should have backed off. Huh? There are few jobs in this world that are underpaid; teachers and reporters with the brass balls to take on the stories no one else will. And what are the most overpaid jobs? Most actors and actress are but not Blanchett who is a jewel in a circus of wanna-bes.
The Bad: I was inspired and if that is bad then you can say what you wish.
DVD Features: The commentary by director Joel Schumacher greatly appreciated while the writers Carol Doyle and Mary Agnes Donoghue are informative if not a little bland. There is also deleted scene of Guerin speaking at the Committee to Protect Journalists and historical footage of Veronica Guerin speaking at the Committee to Protect Journalists. A thirteen featurette making of called “Public Mask, Private Fears.” Last there is a conversation with Jerry Bruckheimer and a producer’s photo gallery with Jerry Bruckheimer.
Frankly: It makes you want to do something more important than reviewing a movie.
+ Charlie Craine
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