Corporate Line: Melee will be releasing a DVD and CD from a comedian Ralphie May on February 10th. By now you’ve probably heard of Ralphie or at least seen him. He was on the last season of NBC’s “The Last Comic Standing” and he came in second place. Many felt that he should have won but as it turns out not winning was the best thing that ever happened to him. We like to refer to him as our Clay Aiken. Would you be interested in doing a featured, DVD review and a giveaway? Attached is his bio so that you can get to know him a bit more and I’ll send you a copy of the DVD. As you’ll read he got his start with Sam Kinison, he’s friends with Howard Stern, he’ll be featured on this seasons Last Comic Standing (March) and he just signed a contract with “On-Air w/ Ryan Seacrest,” in which he will be the traveling correspondent.
The Show: As soon as the DVD arrived I knew it would be hilarious having seen Ralphie May on The Last Comic Standing. Ralphie’s jokes are as big as his shadow. The white boy has flavor. Ralphie throws down close to an hour of sidesplitting laughs.
Ralphie isn’t afraid to take on race like how black history month is February which is the shortest month of the year. It’s funnier when he does the joke, trust me. May takes on the sniper;who had “crazy white boy written all over it.” Ralphie gives his physical display of how Kobe is innocent – but it’s only a theory.
A lot of the jokes are just plain wrong–thankfully I was alone when I was laughing so hard I cried. He doesn’t stray from Sigried & Roy, how he is sick of the Kennedy’s and how stupid they all are, and how he’s glad we attack Iraq for oil; “I’m tired of paying $2.00 a gallon for gas. I want cheap gas!”
Frankly: Ralphie May calls the concert Just Correct because it’s not politically correct – it’s just correct. And if you watch there isn’t a lot you can’t laugh at unless you are half dead.
+ Charlie Craine
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