CORPORATE LINE: June 6, 1944. 150,000 soldiers, 5,000 ships and 11,000 airplanes. One man’s decision. The D-Day invasion – the largest military operation of World War II and the beginning of the end – marked Dwight “Ike” Eisenhower as one of America’s most powerful military leaders. IKE: COUNTDOWN TO D-DAY follows the 90 terrifying days leading up to the invasion as Eisenhower decides the fates of thousands of soldiers while managing complex strategic relationships with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, American General George S. Patton, Britain’s Field Marshall Bernard Montgomery and French President Charles de Gaulle. It was a time of no guarantees and certainly no second chances. In this climate, one man, Dwight Eisenhower, pulled the world’s leaders together for one of history’s most infamous battles.
THE FILM: Ike isn’t only for the history buff—but if you love history this is a wonderful glimpse into our past. The tension, the turmoil, the fate of the world—the invasion of Normandy wasn’t just a battle—its ramifications were absolute.
Tom Selleck doesn’t have to go out on a limb to play Eisenhower—even though he gives a great performance. The cast is wonderful and help the viewer feel as if we were sitting in on the moment.
FRANKLY: As much as this has been covered by the History and Discovery channel Ike is look into a time in our history that changed the world forever. Don’t shy away from this because it was made for cable—Ike is another chance for us to reflect upon that history. The battle of Normandy has been done and overdone and yet Ike brings in a new, fresh perspective that is worth viewing—if not for the cast alone.
+ Charlie Craine
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