Corporate Line: In this adaptation of the long-running Marvel comic “The Incredible Hulk,” research scientist Dr. Bruce Banner’s (Eric Bana) failed experiments cause him to mutate into a monstrously powerful and savage green-skinned behemoth whenever he loses control of his emotions. Jennifer Connelly plays his love interest Betty Ross, Nick Nolte plays Bruce’s dangerous father, and Sam Elliott plays Betty’s father, the tough-as-nails General Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross.
The Good: The big talk has been about the Hulk his animated self and honestly the animators did a good job. Hulk does look mean and nasty. You won’t be fooled into believing for a moment he is real and not made in an office somewhere. The best work is on the Hulk’s facial expressions. When he is mad, sad or sick of being chased he wears those expressions well.
In a genre where you don’t expect any depth the Hulk gives you more than the norm. Sam Elliott is most notable in his performance as General “Thunderbolt” Ross. Eric Bana does a good job for a guy who loses half his roll to a computer program.
The Bad: Even though the animation is top notch there are some items that went unchecked. First, why doesn’t the Hulk’s pants split or tear when Bruce turns into the Hulk? It seems really obvious that you go from about six foot to like fifteen feet that your pants just won’t fit right? Second when the Hulk is lumbering around his body seems to be as stiff as a board. That might be fine in the world of animation, but you and I know when you run your body doesn’t hold firm like a piece of cement. Well then again he is the Hulk.
Frankly: You wouldn’t like him when he is angry. Hulk mad. Hulk smash. Hulk good.
+ charlie craine
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