The Film Studio Synopsis: It’s been three years since Austin Powers, that swinging international man of mystery, has had to face his arch enemy, Dr. Evil. But after Dr. Evil and his accomplice Mini-Me escape from a maximum-security prison, Austin is called to action once more in this third installment of the highly successful Austin Powers movie franchise. Teaming up with the mysterious yet peculiar Goldmember, Dr. Evil hatches a time-traveling scheme to take over the world, one that involves the kidnapping of Nigel Powers, Austin’s beloved father and England’s most renowned spy. As he chases the villains through time, Austin visits 1975 and joins forces with his old flame, Foxxy Cleopatra, a streetwise but stylish detective. Together Austin and Foxxy must find a way to save Nigel and stop Dr. Evil and Goldmember from their mischievous mayhem.
The Good: The best scene by far is when Austin has to get a physical. That kept me laughing well after. Mini-Me is quite funny on occasion as he gets thrown around a good deal. Also the cameos are funny, although short lived. And Beyonce Knowles should get some acknowledgement for a job well done.
The Bad: Most of the jokes fall flat, worse yet Myers tries to keep pushing them on us like when a friend tells a bad joke and you don’t get it, but then they have to keep explaining to you why its funny. Funny is funny right away, not jammed down your neck over and over again. Even worse were some of the cameos by one pop diva, lame, and another rock family, lame. Not to mention a few very unfunny montages about boobs and other things. Believe me I have a sick sense of humor and can laugh at anything, but these weren’t funny.
Frankly: I laughed, but I wouldn’t watch it again baby.
+ charlie craine
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