CORPORATE LINE: Percy Jones (Bernie Mac) is taking no chances with his daughter Theresa’s (Zoe Saldana) future. Even before he meets Simon Green, her latest boyfriend, Percy has him checked out. On paper, he passes with flying colors — great job, good investments and a promising future. But there’s one thing the credit report didn’t tell him: Simon Green (Ashton Kutcher) is white. Not that there’s anything wrong with that—unless, of course, Simon wants to marry his daughter.
THE GOOD: You have Ashton Kutcher playing opposite Bernie Mac so a critic doesn’t expect much—it might be an unfair handicap. Certainly it was better than expected mostly because of Bernie Mac who takes what would have been a mediocre movie and makes it fly.
Bernie Mac and his scary eyes and gruff voice are a comic gem. Kutcher isn’t a weak link however he could play less over the top and still make for an endearing character. Surprisingly Mac and Kutcher have a good chemistry—better than Kutcher and his leading lady. The prize is not in following the story or looking for a happy ending—it’s laughing at every idiotic thing Kutcher does and Mac’s reaction.
THE BAD: There are definitely contrived moments which are painful to watch: the whole black/white songs on the car radio. The last twenty minutes or so were the film’s weakest considering we know the ending at the beginning.
FRANKLY: What do you want from a comedy? Good hardy laughs. Guess Who delivered them consistently. Mac is a funny, scary man. One scary look by Mac with those eyeballs popping and you can‘t help but laugh.
+ Charlie Craine
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