I went hoping for a romantic comedy. The trailers gave me hope that along with this basic date flick, I’d get a few laughs. Let’s dismiss the comedy part right now. This movie isn’t funny. The jokes are weak and strained. There were only one or two times that I even cracked a smile as I sat there with my head in my hands watching this mess unfold.
How many times can the same movie be written? A few classes at film school will teach you everything you should and shouldn’t do with a movie script. This movie illustrates the don’ts. It bounces between years about five times within the first fifteen minutes. I wasn’t confused, but just annoyed that they needed all these little ploys to set up a foundation made out of paper, nothing concrete.
The one thing that was painfully obvious to all members of the crowd was that the girl liked the guy and vice versa. I know from experience that this happens in real life, so as obvious as it was to us, I still believed this could happen and enjoyed the just misses between the movies primary focus, Ryan (Freddie Prinze, Jr.) and Jennifer (Claire Forlani). Prinze was good as the doe eyed pretty boy who is too nice to know better. Jennifer is the cute bad girl that is all wrong but so right for the straight-laced Ryan. The problem is that they had no chemistry. Listening to the chit-chat after the show, I found out I wasn’t the only one who felt this script had no depth and the characters had no flame. Most annoying is that my screening was without the scene where Jason Biggs, known best for his starring role in American Pie , is in a dressing room with four girls. That is the hilarious scene that sells the movie in the trailers. So where in the hell was it in the movie? Jason Biggs was a waste. He was thrown in there to add comedic relief. It wasn’t his fault the lines were lame and his character was painful to watch.
I hate to say it, but this movie is a wash. Save some money and go rent Sleepless In Seattle.
+ charlie craine
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