Virtua Athlete 2k

Virtua Athlete 2k
Game: Virtua Athlete 2k
Platform: dreamcast
Studio: Title
Rating: 3.5/10

If you bought Virtua Tennis and loved it, don’t expect to get the same pleasure from Virtua Athlete 2k.

Look: Hitmaker makes games look better than they are. The characters are not virtual, as the name may suggest. They do get on the unreal side, but it’s still not as good as Virtua Tennis. The crowd isn’t anything to spy on, but who cares about that, right?

Feel: This really isn’t a fun game to play. A press here, a push there, press this, pull that. Okay, that’s giving it more credit than it deserves. Pretty much, each competition plays just like the other ones. That can get boring quickly.

Hear: Um. Maybe I had the volume off.

Finally: There are seven competitions: 100 meter dash, 1500 meter run, high and long jump, hurdles, shot put and the javelin throw. I wish there were more here. Seven events for fifty dollars? Eek. Track & Field from the original Nintendo was more fun. Sure, it wasn’t pretty, but beauty isn’t everything.






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