Time Crisis 3

Time Crisis 3
Game: Time Crisis 3
Platform: PS2
Studio: Namco
Rating: 8/10

Game Company’s Description: The third installment in Namco’s highly acclaimed light gun shooting franchise, Time Crisis 3 offers exciting, fast-paced shooting action by the world renown VSSE agents as they fight to save an innocent nation from total annihilation.

Look: The effects have taken a step up from the previous release with excellent special effects which make this one of the better looking shooters.

Feel: The stages are set for you; you just have to shoot your way through them. You don’t have to bend your brain just your trigger finger.

Hear: The score is as action packed as the game itself. Good ying and yang.

Frankly: What is great about Time Crisis 3 is that you get a chance to shoot – shoot – and shoot some more. If you came for a storyline or freedom this isn’t the game for you. If you came for the carnage then you’ll love it.

+ Rick Carey






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