Emma Bunton’s story is as simple as it is world-famous. A fifth of the most successful girl group ever, she’s been behind the freshest pop cuts in recent memory both with the Spice Girls and as a new millennial pop icon in her own right. And ‘Free Me’ marks the start of a new chapter.
You always get questions about the Spice Girls and I don’t want to beat a dead horse—but does that get really annoying? I mean you really want to talk about your music.
(Laughs) I tend find that if people go on too long I’ll say ‘that is enough’ but I feel very lucky to have been part of such a huge thing. I had such an amazing time. I understand when people ask me about it. But it gave me the opportunity to do what I’m doing today.
Is music in your blood—I mean could you imagine doing anything else?
No. It is definitely in my blood. I did have one time where I was with my friends and we were traveling and I wondered if I should go off for a couple of months and travel. I really did want to keep going but what made me want to go and do it was the fans who wrote and were writing emails saying they wanted more music. That gave me the excuse for going on. (Laughs)
It can be really hard sometimes to break out of the group thing and go solo because you never know if fans will accept you.
It can be. I’m so glad I did it.
Are there other things in the cards like modeling or doing film? I saw the pictures inside the cd—wow.
(Laughs) I was actually acting before I started singing—I did tv work when I was younger. It’s something I really wanted to start doing again. I would love to do some acting. I did some on Absolutely Fabulous on there—a couple of episodes. It was great fun. I’d love to do some drama in film. I’ve got agents in America and stuff, but right now I can only concentrate on the music.
In the states is it a whole different thing because you’re not as well known?
It is much easier for me to go shopping in the States. (Laughs) It’s wonderful. I’ve had some fans that will wait outside when I do some shows. It’s great because the fans have grown with me but the fans in the states have to get to know me again.
Seriously with the picture on the record if someone didn’t know your real name from the Spice Girls and was going on the image alone they probably wouldn’t recognize you.
(Laughs) Really?
It was a real transformation.
Yeah. I mean I grew up a lot. I was only 18 when I met the girls. I’ve really grown up a lot and have changed. With this album there are fun elements in there and it’s lovely to get to come over and let people know me again. I’m glad people aren’t judging it on the Spice thing but on me.
True. I never really thought about the Spice Girls thing when I heard it—probably because it was so long ago.
Do you have a method for working on the record?
I write the lyrics. This is something I created myself and went on experiences I’ve been through. I have a little book that I write down thoughts and feelings—anything that comes to mind. I knew how I wanted this album to sound. I wanted the album to be quite live so we had the musicians come to the studio and played live. Today albums are always so bombarded with production but this is live and I think you can hear that with this album.
You have these lyrics and they get turned into songs it has to be sort of surreal.
It is because the songs are all very personal and you are like ‘am I saying too much?’ But it’s quite balanced and there are things I don’t mind saying because we all go through with friends and loved ones. But if something is too much I’ll take it back a bit. But there are times when you fall in love and you feel so excited and crazy. But I think if you hear the album you get to know me quite a bit better. It’s a bit crazy.
I talk to artists from the UK and the press breathes down your neck so much—it has to be hard to be vulnerable even in your music.
The press is quite mad. If I go to a restaurant or bar you expect to be pictured or that someone will talk about what you are doing. That is why it’s so refreshing to go to the States because I can go out and spend time. It is something you learn to live with. I’m actually a very private person. I like to hold quite a bit back. But on my album for the fans I feel like I can give them some of me.
Are you the same person on stage or doing the talk shows as you are at home?
Not really. I am an honest person, but I’m not one of these people that like to go and show their knickers (laughs). I’ve been in the public eye for a long time so I know how to hold back.
I don’t think I could deal with the paparazzi that you and other artists have to deal with. I don’t know how you hold back from going crazy on them.
I know. I live in London so where I live there are a lot of famous people in that area. So even when I go outside there is usual paparazzi out there so I make sure I have my lip gloss on. (We both laugh) If I don’t want pictures I go to my mom’s and have some wine and relax.
Does it ever make you want to get married, have kids and get away from it all?
(Laughs) It is actually important to me to have a family. I want to have children. I have a nephew that I absolutely adore. Right now though I feel really young and thankfully the press is still favorable.
Yeah, but it is a shame that no matter what you do it seems that the Spice Girls tag will be attached to you.
Well you know it was really a lot of fun. I did get to travel the world with the girls and those things. I do thank the Lord every day for that opportunity. We get asked all the time if we ever get together. And we do. We have moved on but some have had babies and are doing their own things. Mel C. actually lives next door to me. She is so sweet and we catch up all the time.
She really is a darling. I think she really got a bad wrap.
We all understand that because we are other people and have grown up. It’s always going to be hard but we do it because we love it.
But on the other hand is there ever that part of you that is saying ‘ha! I made a really good record how do you like that?’ to those who doubted you? Especially for those who are jealous or spiteful?
(Laughs) Sometimes. There were those people who thought I’d never do anything and the album got great reviews. As long as the fans like it I’m happy because that is first.
Well you get that done first and then you say ‘ha ha!’
(Laughs) Absolutely!
+ Charlie Craine
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