GAME STUDIO DESCRIPTION: Two years have passed since Peter Parker first hit the streets of New York City as the conflicted crime-fighter Spider-Man. Now he finds himself battling his most diabolical villain yet, the mechanized, multi-tentacled Doc Ock. The nefarious Doc Ock was once Dr. Otto Octavius, a brilliant nuclear physicist. But a freak accident transformed him from a timid researcher to a criminally insane megalomaniac who blames Spider-Man for his horrible transformation. Now the scientist Peter once idolized for his remarkable intellect has marked our web-slinger for death. Experience total freedom as you soar through the concrete canyons of a living, breathing Manhattan, complete with familiar landmarks and bustling, traffic-clogged streets. Web-swing wherever you like, whenever you like, exploring the vast metropolis and reliving scenes from the Spider-Man 2 movie. Combat petty thugs and aid NYC citizens in challenging side-quests, or pursue the lunatic Doc Ock and other classic Spider-Man rivals. The decision is yours.
PLAY: 20 levels make up this version of Spider-Man 2. If you saw the movie then you know who you are looking for in the end; Dr. Octopus. The levels aren’t particularly long or difficult.
There is a tutorial that shows you how to control the webbed-wonder however you won’t find a learning curve if you’ve tackled previous platform releases.
Much of the PSP version of Spider-Man is similar to all the other platform releases. Once again you can play over and over again no matter how many times you fall to the earth and perish. Thankfully the fighting is similar and one of the only aspects of the game that really are worth engaging in. You get a decent assortment of bad guys and a good environment for sight-seeing—that is if you didn’t have to beat the clock. There are some issues with the controls—you have to release the thumbstick, which controls Spider-Man, to control the camera (D pad).
GRAPHICS: The graphics are very good. It’s not your Xbox yet it’s very good—certainly the area where this release shines. The animations are tight and fluid. The cutscenes that are based on the film are brilliant and show how off the PSP’s power.
SOUND: As with previous releases the voices are all authentic and the sound is brilliant. Certainly one of those games where you want to put on the headset.
FRANKLY: Spider-Man 2 is fine in a fast food sort of way. It’s almost too easy and too fast. The great thing about the PSP is the portability and the idea of playing a game over and over on trips or on the way to school or work. The problem is after a few trips Spider-Man 2 is over.
+ Richie Wright
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