GAME STUDIO DESCRIPTION: Japan in the 1500’s, the power of the samurai class is fading and the use of the Ninja has become necessary to hold any political power in this chaotic time. Kurenai is a young girl whose world is destroyed when she and her father are attacked by the deadly Black Lizard Clan. They capture her and brutally hang her by a wire and leave her to die. Miraculously, she survives and is rescued and adopted into a clan where she obtains complete mastery of her unique weapon, the wire. Kurenai has pledged her undying loyalty to her new family. She now lives to avenge her father’s death and will go to any means necessary to destroy the Black Lizard Clan.
PLAY: As Kurenai, a female ninja, you must kill in the traditional ninja way; stealth. The main weapon is a really cool tetsugen which is wire weapon that can be used to tie or slice enemies up. And then there is Kurenai’s beauty which can be used to seduce the enemy. When is the last time a ninja seduced someone? It’s absolutely absurd. The controls are lacking which makes most of the game impossible to enjoy. There is such repetition that it’s worse than a bore—it’s a chore.
GRAPHICS: Obviously the creators went for sex appeal and not appealing to game play. Kurenai is made to look super-sexy as she kills with very little in the way of clothing and underwear that might make a teenage boy excited for five minutes. Then he’ll realize he was duped for $50 and will go on the web and see naked girls for free. The back of the box shows you exactly how poorly the games graphics are; there is a lot of pixilation and the characters faces are completely flat and lifeless.
SOUND: Barely listened.
FRANKLY: Red Ninja is without a doubt the worst release in 2005 and 2004 for a console. What it was even released is beyond us.
+ Richie Wright
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