No One Lives Forever

No One Lives Forever
Game: No One Lives Forever
Platform: PS2
Studio: Sierra
Rating: 7/10

Bond? James Bond?

Look: The game has a groovy feel but the graphics won’t overwhelm you. You come to expect a lot with the PS2 and the cartoonish look just won’t inspire. The poor pc port really lacks here.

Feel: The controls first and foremost aren’t very intuitive. The double use of the joysticks can drive you crazy. Up, down, left, and right, how many hands do they think I have? The auto-aim is very lame. The best thing going for the game is that it is loaded from beginning to end with cool things.

Hear: Cool schtick. Cool sounds. The conversations are the best part of the game.

Frankly: The game is long. It is occasionally fun. Seriously if a few of the negatives were cured this game might not be so bad. Borrow it from a friend and never bring it back.

+ bboy






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