GAME DESCRIPTION: With the exclusive video game license of the NFL and PLAYERS INC, Madden NFL 07 continues to be the #1 football franchise in history. In its 17th installment, you control the running game like never before. For the first time ever, step up as the lead blocker to create a hole, and then take control of the tailback and smash through, overpower, or slash away from would-be tacklers as you fight for every yard. Innovative rushing controls give you a game-breaking ground attack featuring all-new jukes, cutbacks, and the distinct running styles of your favorite backs. Between the tackles or in the open field, run to daylight with Madden NFL 07.
Key Features
* Lead Blocker Control: Throw the perfect block and create a running lane with all-new lead blocking control, and then take command of the tailback and rip off a big gain.
* NFL Superstar: Hall of Fame Mode: Play your way to the Pro Football Hall of Fame by taking complete control of any position on the field. Your actions on and off the field determine your impact on the game.
* Run Like the Players Run with the All-New Highlight Stick: Bust out player-specific running styles matching those of real NFL players (e.g., smaller backs slash to break tackles, while bigger runners bowl over defenders in the open field). All-new jukes, cutbacks, and power moves.
* Additions to Franchise Mode: Scout collegiate prospects with the all-new NFL Draft Scouting System and the College All-Star Game, or watch players around the NFL impact their teams with the new Franchise Player Roles feature.
* Team-Specific Defensive Playbooks: For the first time, use actual plays from your favorite team’s defensive playbook to shut down the running game, pressure the quarterback, or force key turnovers.
* Online Play: Climb the leaderboard as you take on your biggest rivals from coast-to-coast in Play Now or Session Match games.
Xbox 360
* The Season Begins in Mini-Camp: Create a player then build up his attributes by running him through skill-based, combine-type mini-games. In the off-season use Mini-Camps to condition players or rehab injuries to get back on the field faster.
* NFL Superstar: Hall of Fame Mode: Create and customize your own player and play on Sundays from any position on the field. Be an NFL Superstar both on and off the field.
* Madden Gamer Level: Track your career accomplishments in Franchise Mode to earn Madden Gamer Points, and then wager your rewards against the computer or against live online opponents to reach the ultimate reward-the NFL Hall of Fame.
* Replay Challenge: Throw the red flag and challenge any play. Overturned calls or plays “that stand” have a huge effect on the outcome of every game.
PLAY: It was like Christmas in August to open the package from EA and find a shiny new Xbox 360 Hall of Fame version of Madden 07 staring back at me. The Hall of Fame edition adds a whole new dimension to creating a player. Not only can you create a player—you can even pick the parents.
Once you create your player you play as that player throughout their career. It sounded tedious at first, because you don’t get to call the plays, but at the end of the day its exciting to train and try hard to make your way into the NFL and through the league in hopes of being enshrined into the Hall of Fame. It’s not as easy as it sounds. You really need a lot of time to go through the franchise mode and then there is the Hall of Fame mode. It’s absolutely amazing how much depth that is in front of you. Talk about bang for your buck.
The Franchise mode is one every Madden fan is familiar with—the newest feature is the ability to throw blocks as an offensive lineman. Sure, its fun to be an offensive lineman a few times—but its always more exciting to be the tailback. Some will be disappointed to be without owner mode—we were. There is nothing more exciting to get into a sim mode for an NFL franchise and make all the decisions. Especially if you can relocate your franchise.
The controls are fairly decent. The question is: why are the controls vastly different from NCAA Football 07? Madden’s juke move is a button and you have no control over the direction as with NCAA. Also the top buttons are taken away and switched to buttons when on offense. It doesn’t make sense—this isn’t an upgrade. The NCAA buttons are far more intuitive. Not to mention those of us who come right off of finishing a season or two of NCAA 07 want to be able to jump right into Madden and know the controls and play calls without a new learning curve.
GRAPHICS: The field gets a major upgrade. The grass seems to wave in the breeze and when you play on grass it takes a beating and shows wear and tear. The player animation is significantly upgraded—which makes juke moves work fluidly. One of the oddest animations is on the extra points and field goals as we have to sit through the same animations over and over even as we watch the play clock run down. Also, if you don’t press a button out of the play call there is an animation with the quarterback and line. It’s neat to watch once or twice—but it’s odd to go from this smooth animation right into an abrupt look from behind the line. The player models are very good and look remarkably like their real life counterparts. In fact the face models are the most impressive graphical aspect of Madden 07.
SOUND: The announcer is awful. I don’t know why we don’t get Madden and Al Michaels. One of the reasons many fans originally bought into the Madden franchise was the inclusion of Madden—and now he is just a name on the box with a few comments about the plays he’d call sprinkled in for good measure. The field discussions are interesting as are the audible calls.
FRANKLY: Being a huge Bills fan, it’s disappointing that players such as Jim Kelly are missing in the Hall of Fame mode. As much as I hate Miami, I love Dan Marino and it seems impossible to think of a Hall of Fame game without him. On the plus side you can go nuts playing as Barry Sanders! The smooth online mode adds yet another level to Madden 07. It’s as if the party never ends. But here is the problem. If you own NCAA 07 Football you will be very disappointed with Madden. The NCAA Football release on the Xbox 360 is a better game both in the controls and depth. Too bad EA didn’t take the opportunity to incorporate the same great controls of NCAA and keep the owner mode. Without those Madden is a little less than great.
+ Richie Wright
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