Madden may or may not float your boat announcing games on Sunday, but the games named after him are still the best.
I know youre getting sick of hearing how every game is the best-looking game Ive seen yet, but it just so happens this is. Its even more impressive than one of my favorite games of all time, NFL 2K1.
The game really takes 3D to its game-playing max. The players look phenomenally real. So do the refs, linesman, hell, you can even see those guys who lug around the first down chain!
What impressed me most were the players outfits. I loved how when my running back would take a header into the grass and mud, hed have some left over in his facemask. How cool is that? And the jerseys look like you could touch them and feel the mesh.
Oh, and then there is the weather. Pray for rain.
If you played Madden 2000, you wont have many problems playing the 2001 version. The game does play more realistically than those in the past, but that wont slow you down. Well, it may. There are some reactions that in the past may not have happened, like cutting back against the grain in a running play is more realistic. You cant cut back and be at full speed like you could in the past and that is both good and bad. The good is that its like real life situations. The bad is that it does get on your nerves because you arent used to a game being that real.
Passing the ball is just about the same. Same good, same bad.
On defense you can still cheat just as you have in the past, but some things arent the same. Like the changes made for the running game works with your defenders as well. Be prepared.
The sounds of the game are great. That is the stuff I listen for. And Ive never liked the commentary by Madden for any of his games, and that just gets lamer and lamer.
Just like NFL 2K1, Madden will never bore you. You can play this game for years should you not care about new rookies or the changing players and their teams. And since you can make trades and create players, Madden 2001 is the best bang for your buck of any game in existence.
+ bboy
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