Marine Heavy Gunner

Marine Heavy Gunner
Game: Marine Heavy Gunner
Platform: PC
Studio: Groove
Rating: 5/10

GAME STUDIO DESCRIPTION: Marine Heavy Gunner makes you a hero, as you track down a ruthless enemy leader and liberate Americans for a prison camp. This new title in the popular “Marine” series lets you handle the biggest guns the Army can build. It’s Vietnam, 1967 — you land in hot enemy territory and must rescue your friends for a POW camp. Go deep into the Vietnamese jungles, across rivers, through tunnels and up heavily-defended hills. Your buddies are counting on you.

Uses the state-of-the-art Unreal game engine for stunning visuals and effects

Authentic recreations of real American and Vietcong weapons

Man the heavy guns on a variety of vehicles, from choppers to boats

Set claymore traps and plant explosives to clear bridges and other obstacles

Help your squad mates as they cover your back in deadly jungle warfare

GRAPHICS: If it was 1995 these graphics might be good—but in comparison to other releases today these graphics are poor.

PLAY: Three distinct fighting modes offer some diversity. You can be a heavy gunner on a vehicle like a helicopter or boat. Most of the game has you shooting as many enemies as you can in the shortest amount of time. Other times you will be with your squad on the ground. The AI both with your squad and the enemies are weak. Occasionally your squad members will kill the enemy and sometimes they act as if they want to die or would just rather save their ammo while you get shot at.

SOUND: The voice acting is awful. This is some of the worst voice acting you’ll hear in a game today. The dialogue is weak with an attempt to offset it adding by cursing. It doesn’t work.

FRANKLY: If you want to shoot up the jungles of Vietnam for hours on end this is the game for you—it’s a budget release so you don’t get burned for $50—but even at $10 it wouldn’t be a value.

+ Richie Wright






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