GAME STUDIO DESCRIPTION: The only game based on 20th Century Fox’s upcoming feature film, Fantastic Four is a team based action adventure in which players harness the Marvel superheroes? unique and amazing powers through a compelling single-player mode or two-player co-operative gameplay experience. Authored by Zak Penn, the writer of the movie X2: X-Men United, the game’s storyline follows the Fantastic Four movie plot and expands the adventures by letting players stretch, control fire and use invisibility and brute force to defeat evil super-villains in new environments and familiar comic book locales. Challenged to master each super hero’s individual powers and combine them to level even more devastating attacks, players must battle the never-before-seen enemies and the ultimate evil – Doctor Doom – to save the human race from disaster.
PLAY: Each of the Fantastic 4 has their own powers and skills. You can switch between characters—but not for every level. On those occasions the other characters are handled by the computer AI.
The characters have special cosmic powers that are used like combo moves. The rest of the game is button mashing. There are however occasions when you can use your cosmic powers over and over. It does take some replenishing however so it’s not always feasible.
The game is designed to utilize each character’s special power. Thing’s unbelievable strength and Mr. Fantastic’s ability to stretch are some of those powers that you must utilize in order to move forward in the game. It’s fun for a while until you realize that the game dictates many of your moves.
Sadly, the controls aren’t very precise. It’s hard to switch targets and lock on when you need to make any moves. The combos aren’t always easily to pull off and it’s never obvious when you may or many not get a combo to work.
GRAPHICS: Another issue with the Fantastic 4 is the graphics. They are very generic and lend nothing to the environments. The characters are okay but not very crisp or detailed.
SOUND: The voice acting features the film’s stars. That’s the plus. The negative is that the sound effects are weak and the soundtrack is weaker.
FRANKLY: It’s more fun with a friend—why you can only play with one friend and not three makes little sense. You can battle in an arena with your friend, but again the fact that they are the Fantastic 4 and you can play as the fantastic two and a couple computer friends is an issue.
Fantastic 4 isn’t bad as a rental because it won’t take you longer than a day of binging on pop and chips to get through this game.
+ Richie Wright
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