Aerowings 2:Airstrike is a gorgeous flight simulation. But what A2 makes up for in looks and handling, it loses in complexity and often fits of rage.
The game looks incredible. You cant appreciate how sweet everything looks unless you give the game a try. You will notice things like everything on the ground isnt to scale. Often youve got nothing floating below you but solid colors of green, brown, or blue. The planes are sweet. The video doesnt jump at all and is quite seamless.
The first thing youll notice is how hard this game can be. I found myself losing my mind just during regular training sessions. Either going too high, too low, or just basically screwing the whole mission up. Nothing is more embarrassing than to have a video game call you a weirdo. Thats pretty humiliating.
You have to learn a lot just to enjoy this game, and that can be both good and bad. The positives are that youll get days out of the game, the negatives are how stressed and strained you feel when you cant figure something out after attempting it a few dozen times. Although the tutorials are helpful, they can be confusing. Watching them over and over again is really, really annoying. Now if youve had experience with the first game, you can jump to tougher challenges, but if not, stick with the simple stuff.
Then there are tactical challenges where you get to shoot balloons. Not exactly one to get off on. They do get tougher. When the bullets fly your way, its much more fun and exciting. Dogfighting is damn fun. That is, unless its you soaring toward earth.
Well, you have the sexy voice telling you what to do during the opening training mode. Dont get used to it. After that, sarge is ready to kick the crap out of you. Past that, the planes sound neat, and so do the missiles when they head towards their target. When you lock the radar, you hear it, and if it happens to be machine gun fire, youll wonder whether you are equipped with a pee shooter or some other wild device.
The music blows.
It seems to take forever to get cool planes. You can only unlock them as you complete missions. Fair enough, but it can drive you batty. Unlocking these could lead to days of work. I have the feeling that once you complete the mission and unlock the planes, youll be done with the game. Dogfighting might be the only thing that keeps you coming back. If you dont have a partner to kick around, this game might collect a lot of dust.
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