Who in the hell is Twizted and what are they doing? Copying the Insane Clown Posse from what I see, and doing a pretty shitty job of it. I mean, they can’t even do their makeup enough to look cool. Bitter? Who me? No, just thoroughly confused.
Seriously, these guys are twisted, just not anything close to ICP. ICP has a mile lead on these guys in so many categories that it isn’t even fair to compare. ICP can at least rhyme well, they have cool makeup, and their songs are funny. Twizted has none of this. Their beats sound ghetto. What kind of operation are these guys running? Some tracks sound like they recorded them in a dressing room at Kmart. The only track worth mentioning is a cover of the Doors’ “People Are Strange”. It’s exactly the way I’d picture Marilyn Manson doing it.
Whether they are down with ICP or not, they can’t hold a flame to their idols. I’m not down with these clowns.
+ cc morris
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