Company Line: By now Blues Traveler has been an undeniable influence for several generations of fans and bands alike. On their new album “Truth Be Told” the band taps into a new well of creativity to produce what an early critic dubbed ” their finest set of songs to date”. Anchored by founding members John Popper, Chan Kinchla and Brendan Hill, and energized by the now “official” addition of band members Tad Kinchla (bass) and Ben Wilson (keys) the band headed into the studio with three years of cohesive live performances and songwriting as a five piece band.
The Good:
“Unable To Get Free” – The funny thing is that Blues Traveler sounds like Fastball here. The melody is strikingly similar to “Out Of My Head” and yet they pull it off.
“Can’t See Why” – Maybe it’s reminiscing when Blues Traveler where at their pinnacle but the harmonica solo and the jamming make you feel sentimental.
The Average:
“Eventually (I’ll Come Around)” – Lovely song but won’t stick with you.
“My Blessed Pain” – One thing about the Blue’s Traveler is that they always keep each song in the game but often they get stuck on first or second base and fail to hit that home run.
The Bad:
“This Ache” – The demonic sounding lyrics ruin the track.
Frankly: Blue’s Traveler are a fantastically talented band you just wonder if they have lost motivation to write great songs or if they just don’t care to write something the masses would want to hear. I’d like to believe it is the later its just many of these songs aren’t appealing enough to listen to so many times that you memorize them by heart. The old shoe is getting older not more comfortable.
+ Rae Gun
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