Company Line: With his Universal Records debut, Teitur takes a giant step in a continuing journey — and he invites us along in Poetry & Aeroplanes, one of the most accomplished and emotionally engaging albums in recent memory.
The Good:
“Josephine” –Teitur finally sounds like an original. He has a lot of heart and soul. You’ve got to love anyone who can wear it on their sleeve.
“Sleeping With The Lights On” – It’s hard to get past how much Teitur sounds like David Gray.
“Poetry & Aeroplane” – Looking for love in all the wrong stations.
“I Was Just Thinking” and “You’re The Ocean” – Teitur has a genuine Paul Simon flare to his voice minus the grand musical landscapes that Simon would paint.
The Ugly:
Teitur doesn’t do ugly.
Frankly: Teitur has a nice voice and not as interesting lyrics. Set him up against Paul Simon and it’s really not a contest. That is unfair considering not many artists can hold a candle to Simon. Tracks like “Amanda’s Dream” aren’t terrible nor keep your interest. So goes the entire record. On a rainy afternoon when you need something to keep you flying in a line Teitur might keep you on path.
+ Rae Gun
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