FILE UNDER: Counterfeit Lesbian pop.
“All About Us” – A very simple, unimpressive pop song.
“Loves Me Not” – After it came out that the two members pretended to be lesbians to sell records makes this song come off as little more than a bad marketing tool.
“We Shout” – In attempt to sound like Madonna they do a good job of trying to duplicate her vocals too bad the songs are lacking any sort of a hook.
“Cosmos (Outer Space)” – This certainly profiles the girls’ true inability to sing.
“Friend or Foe” – Didn’t we hear a song like this years back from a group called Aqua? It wasn’t good then either.
“Perfect Enemy” – This song is a perfect example of their limited vocal range.
FRANKLY: T.A.T.U. had the whole lesbian marketing thing going for them in the past but on top of that they had some decent songs. Now we find it was a marketing scheme and they can’t sing. No matter what your marketing scheme is in the end you have to produce.
+ Rae Gun
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