Company Line: Take the lyrical integrity of The Clash, combine it with the high-energy, fearless-punk-sensibilities of The Sex Pistols, empower it with innovative future soundscapes of bands such as The Pixies and S.F.A and you’ve got an idea what S.T.U.N. is about.
The Good:
“Movement” – If you like Rage you’ll think that they’ve got back together with a different name.
The Marginal:
“Annihilation Of The Generations” – This is more a mix of Porno For Pyros and Rage. Crazy and political is a good mix.
“The Future Is Now” – Well it isn’t now. If anything S.T.U.N. borrows so much from other bands they sounds like the past.
The Ugly:
“Here Comes The Underground” – I guess this is what S.T.U.N. really sounds like and it’s too bad.
“Reuters” – Just doesn’t work. It attempts to muster up anger instead sounds placid.
“Illegal Operations” – Someone should have dropped the bomb on this.
Frankly: S.T.U.N. has the attitude and the defiance to take them places its just too bad that they can’t figure out what they want to sound like. Evolution Of Energy is a great record to get ready for a workout or a protest.
+ Rae Gun
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