Simon Says – Shut Your Breath

Simon Says
Artist: Simon Says
Title: Shut Your Breath
Label: Hollywood
Rating: 7/10

Simon Says jacked us all up with their debut, Jump Start. Now they are back, as unapologetic as ever.

“Hey You” and “Silk Moth” hint at old Nirvana, I’m talking about Bleach, not the Nirvana that sold millions of records, but it’s their heavier-than-thou riffs that hold a buffer from the past. “Syphon” chugs along without leaving you a moment to catch your breath. “Dead Weight” is the heaviest track, but also the longest, which is quite an odd combination.

There is a certain piece of me caught on “Canvas”. Simon Says seems to have stuck to their previous formula while stepping ahead. They haven’t necessarily grown as much as adults as they have musicians, but Shut Your Breath is a better version of them altogether.

+ rae gun






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