Company Line: Rooney is a five-piece rock band hailing from Los Angeles whose music is reminiscent of artists spanning from the sixties to the present day. Although they have a distinctive style, their sound has been compared to everything from The Beatles to The Cars to Blur.
The Good:
“Blueside” – A timeless sort of track that could have as easily come in the 60’s era of pop rock as it has in 2002.
“Stay Away” – A squirrelly sort of ballad. You aren’t sure to feel bad or laugh and just sing along.
The Marginal:
“If It Were Up To Me” –you’d find it more interesting had they been more Rooney than Weezer.
“I’m Shakin’” – This is one rock track that you can surely dance to. That sounds like a band thing – it isn’t.
“Daisy Duke” – A churning pop rock track.
The Ugly:
Frankly: Rooney is like a nice summer breeze. It is a welcome album in a world of shoe gazers. It’s nice to hear a band take chances. And it’s funny that it’s said they are taking a chance by making unpretentious music. Rooney has a gentle blend and it’s nice to know someone has the balls to be dreamy.
+ Rae Gun
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