Rialto has had some decent hits in the UK and now they bring their Brit-pop to the U.S. with Night On Earth.
Their first single “London Crawling” has big choruses sandwiched between plush verses. Wish they could sound like a mix between Blur, Morissey and Phil Spector. Instead it sounds more like the Cure on Prozac burning ripe in wishy-wash songs like “Anything Could Happen” and “Anyone Out There?”. “London Crawling” gave me great hope about the possibility of the great Brit hype, but that seems to die out more and more as Night On Earth rolls on.
The problem is the lyrics are often flat and ignorant instead hoping that we’ll just ignore them for these giant tasty choruses. Well the choruses may be tasty however never quite hearty enough, nothing but mere morsels.
Rialto really does have great melodies they completely screw them up with trite lyrics. “Idiot Twin”? What the hell is that all about? The song sounds friendly enough but never turn out good. And that ’80’s sound is dead. Get over it!
+ rae gun
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