Come along as we talk to PYT!
What are you up to today?
We’re practicing our dance for our upcoming video for “P.Y.T. (Tell Me If…)”
Was this album supposed to be originally released in the fall of ’99?
Yes, but it got delayed because we got a whole bunch of new songs. We just got a whole new vibe.
How did the group get together?
We all grew up in Tampa together and have known each other since we were four or five and we were all in a singing group called Entertainment Revue. We were singing in that group since we were really, really little. It was a year ago that we decided to form P.Y.T.
How did you come up with the name P.Y.T.?
When we were in Entertainment Revue we used to sing Michael Jackson song before we went on, kind of like a good luck song. We used to call it our tiny song because it starts off like that and we didn’t know the name of it. So we listened to the Michael Jackson album and it had “P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)” and a guy named Max Goose said, ‘Why don’t you call yourselves P.Y.T.?’ And we thought it was a good idea.
When did you first get interested in singing?
I’ve been singing since I was like four, but I got really excited about it when I was in Entertainment Revue. We’d go around singing and dancing for people in Florida and I did a lot of plays when I was little and acting.
Did you sing songs from other people when P.Y.T. first got together?
Well, actually we formed P.Y.T. for like two days and we got signed.
For two days?
Yeah. I mean, we knew each other for years and worked together for a long time. So we actually had an original song that was our demo. The director of Entertainment Revue had an original song and she let us use it. So from that we made a demo.
How was recording the album?
We recorded that in Orlando in Trans Continental studios and that was a lot of fun. Since we were in Orlando and we live in Tampa, we had to do all our schoolwork there, so that was interesting. But it was hard because we had to be away from all of our friends and family. I loved recording.
How do you juggle school?
We actually all go to regular school when we are home, but when we have to be away, we have a tutor.
So the album will be released during the summer and you can tour without missing school.
Yeah. It’s going to be a lot of fun. We might get on the Nickelodeon tour.
Have you opened up for artists?
We opened for Britney Spears and *NSYNC last summer. And we opened up for 98 Degrees a few times.
Is it true that P.Y.T. was in the Mandy Moore “Candy” video?
How did that happen?
Mandy Moore is a really good friend of mine. I’ve known her since I was little and we used to do a lot of acting together.
How has working on your own video been?
Well, right now we are learning the dance routine for it. We have been getting a bunch of treatments and we will decide what the video concept will be this week.
Where do you hope your career takes you?
I hope to be with P.Y.T. for a very long time and continue to develop our music style. I hope we can be a group that is very versatile and not just be the type of group that only one type of people will like. We want everyone to enjoy our music. Our album has pop, rock, and R&B in it. Having a tour of our own would be amazing.
So you are gearing up for a video shoot?
Yeah. We’ve been having a lot of practice lately.
Do you have to miss school at all?
Just a little.
Is it going to be tough to be away when you get out on the road for the summer?
Yeah, but it will be fun too, and really good for us. Sacrifices have to be made. (laughs)
When did you start singing and know that you wanted to pursue it?
When I was about nine. I found out about Entertainment Revue from Tracy who I was doing a play with at the time. I auditioned for the group and we all met and started hanging out.
Did you know you could sing?
I just wanted to do it. No one really told me to do it. I was like, ‘Please!’.
Who did you listen to?
Gotta love *NSYNC, Britney Spears, Destiny’s Child, but I really, really like Barbara Streisand. I have a really big range in the music I like.
Kind of like the album. It has a pretty big range of influences.
How was recording the album?
It was fun and you learn so much. You don’t just learn how to record, but you learn how to work the studio and what buttons to push. It’s a big learning experience.
How was doing the shows with *NSYNC and Britney?
It was awesome. I loved it. It was a great experience.
How were your nerves?
At first it was really scary. It wasn’t just some show for a nursing home anymore, it was a big show. It was scary at first but you learn how to have fun with the audience and stuff. You have to have fun with it.
Are you getting excited about touring again?
I miss touring and everything so much. It’s an environment you get used to. You can’t help but have fun on tour even though it’s all work and no play. It’s just so much fun.
Especially when you get on stage.
Exactly. That is the most incredible part of it.
Do you have a favorite song on the new album?
Our first single, “P.Y.T. (Tell Me If…)”, “Yeah Yeah Yeah”, and “Call Me Anytime”. Those are my favorites.
When did you finish the new album?
Really we finished it in a month and that was all our teeny-bopper music. Then we decided to change that up a bit and we finished this version up about three months ago. We kind of recorded two albums this year.
How have your friends reacted to all this?
What is cool is that they don’t really react. They don’t get all awestruck and everything. They don’t act like I’m different than they are.
Lastly, when you dream about your future what is your dream about?
Just performing to all these people and having them clap as we step out on the stage. That would be amazing. What I would want to happen is P.Y.T. to sell out Madison Square Garden. That would rock.
+ charlie craine
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