Nine Inch Nails have a following that seems unmatched. Their leader Trent Reznor is a mastermind even though it seems his desire for perfection constantly turns new releases into shelved material only to find a release something completely different than expected.
For all Reznor’s desires for perfection a live album seems the furthest you can get from molding the perfect album. And “All That Could Have Been” has its sparkling moments and it has its shining thumps. However the stellar shining production again prove Reznor has no thoughts of letting his guard down.
“Terrible Lie”, “Sin” and “Wish” were highlights. The problem with this album is that it feels as if you were out buying a soda and the concert started and you have to wait for the lady to get your change as an entire song or two cruises by.
The second disc is basically average. It might come without the makeup however it’s not what it was hyped up to be. There is a lot good about NIN. Then there is a bad too. No matter how you look at it you’ve heard these songs, and better versions of them. Let’s get some new music; I’d much rather have those.
+ rae gun
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