I think if we were ever forced to hear yet another band that sounds like 3 Doors Down or Creed, it would have to be Canadian-bred foursome Nickelback. On their second American release, Silver Side Up, Nickelback have crossed the boundary into rock stardom. Every song is crafted perfectly for radio airplay. There’s an even selection of hard-edged rock anthem type songs blended with the standard rock ballads that have propelled so many young acts to stardom (see 3 Doors Down, Staind, Linkin Park).
What allows Nickelback to stand out from the rest of popular rock these days is that they don’t try to be like anyone else, they are like everyone else, only better. Their lyrics are more heartfelt, their abilities are clearly more evident in that each song presents a different tale, and they aren’t pitching a gimmick. It’s straight ahead rock music in an era of bands fumbling over trying to make truly original rock songs. It just won’t happen anymore, most of it has been done. However, with tracks like “Never Again”, a blistering track about domestic violence, and “Money Bought”, Silver Side Up stays true to making real rock music. “How You Remind Me” is an instant radio monster, comparable to “Kryptonite” from 3 Doors Down a couple of years back.
As much as Nickelback tries to set themselves apart, it will only sound like what everyone else is playing. You have to really sit down and absorb their message and their talents without just hearing them on the radio. Silver Side Up is an impressive album, and although it may not be the most original slab of rock to hit the shelves, it still packs a wallop that most new releases don’t.
+ rick hinkson
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