How is America treating you?
Pretty good.
What is it like coming to America after playing so many big shows back home?
It’s different. It’s like starting again. You have to do it on a bigger scale because it’s such a big country.
What is it like having groups like Coldplay and Oasis to take you on the road with them?
It’s great to have them take you on. They are legends and it’s cool to go out and play in the big leagues.
Have any of the artists given you any advice?
Not really, just some pointers on how to work things on a bigger scale.
Has anything surprised you?
Traveling and press. It’s a bit more than you’d expect.
What is the press like back home?
The press back in England is there to build things up and then knock them down. Things seem to happen in bits and bobs, but back home they build you up and knock you down depending on who you are.
What is it like to get praise for your music over and over?
It’s really flattering. You grip and grin. (Laughs)
How are you finding the fans here?
Pretty cool. We brings some fans on the bus and have a chat with them, it’s quite good. That is one of the best things to do, chatting with the fans. I love to meet people.
It’s a great thing being in America and getting to see bands from overseas because they generally play smaller venues. Do you ever find fans from the UK coming over here to see you guys?
I had some friends come see us in New York and really it was quite weird.
I saw Travis at a venue with about a hundred people and I know back home they play arenas…
…I wouldn’t leave my flat to see Travis. (We both laugh)
What do you do to keep busy on the road?
We sit around, play on the computer, play football when we stop, anything we can to stay busy.
Do you hang with bands while on tour?
With the Vines?
Or any band.
We are really good friends with the Vines and Coldplay. It’s cool when you meet them and you can really get on with them.
Do you ever think now about the songs when they were first being made and can’t believe people are enjoying them around the world?
Yeah. But sometimes I listen and wonder if a song could have been improved or changed. But when you play live you have a chance to make changes and add things.
When you work on tracks is it as a group?
It’s more of a jam than anything else. We play in a room and see what comes out, but sometimes someone brings something in and we’ll jam around that.We let the song take us in the right direction.
Are you ever surprised how fast this has all happened?
Lots of people are surprised by how young we are, but it’s quite natural for us really.
+ charlie craine
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