Where has the metal world gone? Slipknot has become the standard for brutality, System Of A Down has become the standard for creativity, and Pantera are the godfathers of the whole damn revolution. So what could a band do to impress the metal community without blatantly ripping off the competition? Mudvayne has made a fine attempt, blending everything from spooky-core freakiness and heady interludes to brutally thick stop and go grooves, all underneath an ambience that lends itself to chaos in its purest form.
L.D.50 is the bands first release, produced by GGGarth Richardson (RATM, Kittie, Spineshank). The first single, “Dig”, is a ferocious ride through all that groovecore has to offer. It raps, rolls, screams, and induces violence live, which is exactly what this foursome thrives on. Their appearance really says it all, with each member painted into character. “Internal Primates Forever” reflects an ideology that we all wish we could admit; theyre living it every day. “Cradle” offers a tale of childhood neglect and hate for the man responsible. The electric-acoustic presence on this track indicates a band willing to expand beyond the standard down-tuned guitar and overwhelming double-bass kick. Its still feverishly mean, but shows a sensitive side to this generally fierce act. “Nothing To Gein” has Kud singing about the losses and how emptiness has consumed his fragile sense of being. Its a quirky and funky metal song that sounds like Primus on steroids with Phil from Pantera singing lead. “Prod” is probably the most radio-friendly track on the album, but still maintains a heavy groove without compromising any velocity.
Mudvayne has walked into an era of being brutal for a living, and they seem to fit right in. L.D.50 is easily the best attempt to stand out from the general metal population this year. They maintain the sound, but expand the spectrum considerably. They dont rely on one specific niche, they instead encompass everything from thrash, funk, and trance to groovecore, death-hop, and rap-metal. Its unique in that they can stop and change directions at any given point on the album, which indicates a band with extensive knowledge in the world of music, heavy or not. Radio will have a hard time labeling these four purveyors of madness, but it will surely open its doors once they see Mudvaynes potential for bringing in a dedicated audience. Metal has always done just that, and Mudvayne is banking on that following accepting them with open arms. They did at this summers Tattoo The Earth Tour, and if a band can play there and win fans, they can play anywhere, with anyone, and blow a crowd away.
+ rick hinkson
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