On her latest effort So-Called Chaos , Morissette sounds paradoxically like a woman who has found her own separate peace with the world. A deeply thoughtful individual by nature, So-Called Chaos finds her in life-affirming, positive place, making music that in a sense sums up her past strengths along some newfound maturity and perspective. “I may still be talking about things in my life that were challenging,” she explains, “but I’m approaching life and thereby my songs with less blame.”
“Eight Easy Steps” – What you have to love about Alanis is her ability to go from serious to sarcastic in a moments notice. Even better is her ability to play with words and cause you to wonder if she is doing something intentionally or if it just fell into place. Her sarcasm is great in the bridge: “I’ve been doing research for years/ I’ve been practicing my ass off.” You’ll laugh for a second, that is until the chorus kicks and you start singing all over again.
“Knees Of My Bees” – I love the play on words… “The bees knees” for the uninitiated meant “you are cool” back in the early-mid 1900s and of course we know what “you make my knees weak” means—well Alanis was able to get both phrase into one line of the chorus: “You make the knees of my bees weak/ tremble and buckle.” Sure, anyone could get the words in there, but could they make it work?
Another thing needs to be mentioned here: the way Alanis pronounces words and emphasizes certain syllables for the sake of melody is magnificent. No one places emphasis anymore on a singer’s ability to play with words, not only as a lyricist but as a singer. When Alanis sings, “tremble and buckle,” for example—I won’t attempt to explain, but I will say Britney, Christina, and the rest of the pop dolls couldn’t pull it off.
“Out Is Through” – A song you like for melody alone and fall in love with when you read the lyrics. With Alanis there is always more going on than a gorgeous song.
“Doth I Protest Too Much” – Howeth the hell did she get doth into this song and still make it good? Is this a medieval love song? Just kidding. Alanis doesn’t sound as dark, frightened, or as vulnerable. Instead there is a feeling of empowerment and less angry. Empowered and positive wears better.
“This Grudge” – Self help? It makes you ache and want to give Alanis a big hug.
“Everything” – If you want sarcasm that’s thick as honey this is it. There is a underlining truth that is always a part of Alanis, but is she afraid of completely releasing on the listener? After her history that is doubtful.
“Spineless” – Just as you think its a painful slow love song—boom—the chorus pours out like a tsunami.
“So Called Chaos” – The only song that didn’t do it for me and the reason the record didn’t get a perfect 10/10. Ten songs… only one average track.
Don’t make me laugh.
FRANKLY: Remember when pop music actually meant something? Alanis proves pop music can mean something once again. Alanis has taken a major leap forward. This is a marvelous effort. It’s easy to recommend and to admit it’s her best record yet. So Called Chaos will make you forget that Jagged Little Pill that’s been logged in your throat for years. Will it be whiskey or water to wash it down? Spend the bucks, buy it, and thank me later. No, I haven’t lost my mind. I love the record. Actually I just listened to it for the umpteenth time and am as impressed now as I was the first listen. So Called Chaos is the best album I’ve heard in a long time.
+ Charlie Craine
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