CORPORATE LINE: The first single to be released from Hurricane Bar in Japan and Scandinavia, Clean Town, has been lying around maturing for about two years. Which, according to Mando’s philosophy, is a proof of its strength. “If you still like a song then, you know that it’s got mileage”. Clean Town also summarises the Borlänge theme that runs more or less throughout their new album Hurricane Bar. This might have something to do with the fact that nowadays the band is based in Stockholm. “It’s a tribute to Borlänge. It’s absolutely not about putting it down,”fucking shit town, let’s get out of here”… It’s more about the fact that you can leave the town, but it will always stay inside you”.
Hurricane Bar is Mando Diao with their guard down. Pop songs of the kind that sounds so deceivingly obvious that you’re tempted to call them simple. But as everyone knows, there’s nothing simple about a good pop tune. On the contrary, it couldn’t be more difficult.
“God Knows” – Straight rock ‘n’ roll that will make you want to get up and shake it up a little—maybe if no one is around you’ll even strum that air guitar. It is Bjorn’s vocals that outshine Gustaf’s gnarly verse.
“Down in the Past” – There is something about Bjorn’s voice that stirs up more soul without seeming to try as hard as Gustaf who always seems to have a chaotic urgency.
“You Can’t Steal My Love” – When Gustaf slows it down and really lays his soul on the line he can be a fantastic singer—and proves it here.
“Added Family” – Surely inspired by the Beatles with their nice harmonies and catchy Brit pop style.
“Clean Town” – Gritty. What you’d expect of a long night of drinking and hanging out at a grungy bar.
“If I Leave You” – A good song—but doesn’t grab you enough to be considered great.
“White Wall” – A really interesting song with a little Brit pop mixed with something of a Beach Boys coda.
FRANKLY: Mando Daio is the real deal. Who would have guessed that we needed a rock band from Sweden to teach Americans how to rock?
+ Rae Gun
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