Is ronald bad? Is doug a member? Find out now!
“Dude, I’m sorry. I couldn’t dial the right number. The pot is weird and I don’t know what happened.” That’s a weird way to start a phone conversation, wouldn’t you say?
I know Doug is the frontman of Bad Ronald, but talking to him he sounds more like Chong from the old Cheech & Chong films. I don’t just mean because he’s obviously having a good time, but because his voice sounds exactly the same.
What is life like right now?
It’s ridiculous really. We just travel around doing our songs. We don’t stop. I haven’t had any time to generalize life right now.
You’re on the roller coaster and going with it.
Yeah, it’s more fun that way, that way you don’t freak out. It’s cool to hear our song on the radio and people recognize our video.
What was it like the first time you heard the song on the radio?
I was at home with my mom, where I still live unfortunately, and we were sitting down by the radio waiting to hear it come on. I wasn’t into it because I’ve heard it a million times and was like, ‘Come on, mom, I don’t want to hear it again,’ but it came on and I freaked out. My mom was freaking. We were celebrating, popped some champagne.
How long was the song and album in the works?
A year, maybe two.
How long has Bad Ronald been together?
For a long time. White Owl and I grew up together. We got the band together a few years ago and started doing songs.
Does being called an overnight sensation bother you?
No. If people are hearing the song enough to say that, then I’m happy. I’m still dumbfounded. It’s cool. The pot is good, chicks are good. (we hear girls in the background saying, ‘We’re leaving.’) I guess they’re leaving. (to the girls, ‘See ya. Bye.’)
What is the songwriting process like?
Actually, we are in the middle of the process right now, so I can tell you all about it. We just have lyrics, lay them first, or do music and then lay the lyrics. It just flows.
The funniest thing on the album is the prank call.
We get a lot of reaction to that. It was White Owl, it’s a real prank call and he just made it up as he went along.
It just reminds me of the stupid crap me and my buddies used to do.
That is the stupid crap we do too. It’s just an example of us being stoned in the studio and harassing people. Serious. We meant to erase it, but we kept it.
Does it bother you to be called a party band?
It’s something we don’t pay attention to. Two years from now someone will probably say we are a death rock band and the music won’t change. We do what we feel is appropriate at the time. I don’t mind wearing a label, I mean if they label us then they notice us. There is substance. You can tell it wasn’t slapped together. We are all musicians and have worked at it for years. We have worked at freestyle and the ability to work with good musicians.
Was the process new?
It was new in some and old in others. Making an album for Warner Bros. is new. It changes things because you have to know where you are going with it. It’s going to the same place, but things are different.
Where did Warner Bros. find you guys?
We toured around and got a bunch of offers and Warner Bros. just sounded like they were the most into the project. Things have been great. They’ve been supportive and enthusiastic. They’re doing everything they said they’d do.
Are you into the Pharcyde?
We are all Pharcyde fans. I have that cd in my car right now. We all love old school hip-hop, but we are also rock fans. I’m more of a singer/songwriter. I’m also into freestyling, I never really did it before we got into this project.
Looking at music, is it good that you don’t fit into a genre?
It is good. I think people are having trouble trying to figure out what the hell we are. We are still trying to figure ourselves out. The live show is ridiculous.
I was wondering about that.
It’s real, it’s the songs, but it’s our interpretations of the songs at the time. There is a lot of drinking, smoking, girls on stage, us and the audience rhyming about people.
Is it your hope that this will keep it fresh every night?
Yeah. The freestyle helps in the show, it’s never happened before. So it’s fun, the audience loves it because they realize you are making it up and talking about them.
Was the process new?
It was new in some and old in others. Making an album for Warner Bros. is new. It changes things because you have to know where you are going with it. It’s going to the same place, but things are different.
Where did Warner Bros. find you guys?
We toured around and got a bunch of offers and Warner Bros. just sounded like they were the most into the project. Things have been great. They’ve been supportive and enthusiastic. They’re doing everything they said they’d do.
Are you into the Pharcyde?
We are all Pharcyde fans. I have that cd in my car right now. We all love old school hip-hop, but we are also rock fans. I’m more of a singer/songwriter. I’m also into freestyling, I never really did it before we got into this project.
Looking at music, is it good that you don’t fit into a genre?
It is good. I think people are having trouble trying to figure out what the hell we are. We are still trying to figure ourselves out. The live show is ridiculous.
I was wondering about that.
It’s real, it’s the songs, but it’s our interpretations of the songs at the time. There is a lot of drinking, smoking, girls on stage, us and the audience rhyming about people.
Is it your hope that this will keep it fresh every night?
Yeah. The freestyle helps in the show, it’s never happened before. So it’s fun, the audience loves it because they realize you are making it up and talking about them.
Is it odd going onstage, looking out and people know the words?
I got a freestyle for you. Are you ready?
(here is the freestyle verbatim) Yo/ I get real excited/ when I look out and people know the words/ girls start dancing and it all seems absurd/ my vision gets blurred because I’m high from the smoke/ but now it’s my time to rhyme so I just won’t choke/ I get it bacon/ rhymes, style no mistaken/ I’m on a phoner with Charlie no fakin’/ telling it real/ this is the story of the band/ I’m standing in the hall with the phone in my hand.
I’m sorry.
I just had to do it.
It was cool. I’m not even going to try and follow that. (we laugh) But when you are out on the road, is it the way all of us dream it is?
Yeah, because we pretty much just get smashed and fuck hot girls, but it is a lot of work. You have to be ready to dedicate your entire life to the project.
I appreciate the time with you man.
I apologize.
For what?
This is a very stoned interview right here. We’ve been smoking all day, and there were some chicks here and they left.
Are you in New York City?
Yeah. That’s where our studio is. We got stoned and the chicks seemed really weird so they left. (we laugh)
Did you know them?
No, we were at a restaurant getting something to eat and they recognized us so we told them to come with us.
Living large already, huh?
(laughs) It’s good.
That’s the life right there. I need to get me a group together.
Fuck, you can join our group. (laughs)
+ charlie craine
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