A*Teens – Abba Generation

Artist: A*Teens
Title: Abba Generation
Label: MCA
Rating: 3/10

I dig ABBA about as much as I do Ace Of Base. Combined, I like both about as much as a trip to the dentist. Now here come the Swedes with another group that is doing nothing but ABBA covers in the style of Ace Of Base. The A*Teens started low on my list, even before I heard their record. It bothers me on so many levels that a group of kids can get signed to a major record deal singing nothing but covers. There are so many more deserving artists out there right now, and this makes me crazy. It’s almost impossible for me to ignore the facts about this group, but I’ll try.

A*Teens’ gals sing great. The harmones are tight, but the boys in the group seem to be missing in action, unless they are blended in there somewhere, singing as high as the girls are. I wouldn’t be surprised. They show up on “Take A Chance On Me” and that seems to be it. Their role in this track is still minimal.

I guess the final question comes down to this: Was ABBA so good as to deserve a band being formed in dedication to them alone? Answer: No. The songs are hooky and will get you dancing. A ton of kids will buy this, having no idea who on earth ABBA are, and will be duped into thinking the A*Teens are doing something new. Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but I saw the sign and it doesn’t look good for these posers.

+ rae gun






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