Corporate Line: The Ataris, one of the most successful independent rock bands of recent years, have a brand new album, so long, astoria, the group’s eagerly-awaited major label debut on Columbia Records. so long, astoria is the first full-length Ataris album in nearly two years.
The Good:
“So Long, Astoria” – Different. Not the same straight for the throat sound, but a nice progression.
“Takeoffs And Landings” – Evolution can be a good thing.
“In This Diary” – Deep and enjoyable.
“Summer ‘79” – Crisp and just damn good.
“Eight Of Nine” – Again the Ataris deliver a solid track.
The Marginal:
“The Saddest Song” – It’s not that sad, but we can all relate.
“The Boys Of Summer” – An okay cover of Bryan Adam’s hit.
“My reply” – Interesting.
The Bad:
Frankly: The Ataris have grown up since joining the big boys on a major label. Occasionally it is the kiss of death for a punk band to join the big corporate sharks, but the Ataris have come out much better for it.
+ rae gun
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