The Insane Clown Posse get better and better with each and every album they put out. The Amazing Jeckel Brothers is as funny as any comedy album, but as good lyrically as any rap album you can buy today. Sometimes even the silliest looking bastards can rock the house.
“I Want My Shit” is more like a cool movie script than a song. Then you get the bizarre hook proclaiming the four things that Violent J wants before he dies, “I want a rusty ax/ I wanna know voodoo/ a fat bitch named Bridget/ a sip of faygo If I don’t get my shit in this mother-fucker I won’t never die”
The song “Bitches” has the one and only Ol’ Dirty Bastard dropping rhymes like a lunatic. His presence is overshadowed however by ICP’s fanatical chorus “Girl you know I love you but now you gotta die”. Then comes “Another Love Song” which is Beck’s “Jackass” with ICP rapping atop that funky beat. “I could love you and treat you with class/ and have babies falling all out your ass/ but thinking about that I think I’d rather kill you I could take the face paint off and take a job working for your dad/ I would rather take a ten pound ax and stick in your daddies forehead”. Doesn’t that sound nice? Well if you listen to ICP you better have a sense of humor or don’t even waste your time trying to understand. This song will have you laughing your ass off, period.
“Everybody Rize” finds the clowns kicking the asses of anyone that gets in their way. “Fuck Gene Simmons/ You make me sick/ Psycho Circus/ You stole my shit/ spit your blood out and do your dance/ but I’m gonna kick that ass through your leather pants.” “Fuck The World” is more of the same. It’s a complete ass kicking that stops for no one; even I get dissed: “fuck the critics/ fuck your review/ even if you like me/ fuck you.” Shaggy 2 Dope even sends a “fuck you” to Violent J.
The first single, “Mad Professor”, is probably also the best track on the album. You have to hear it to appreciate the sick sense of humor as Violent J. describes his wacky inventions. “I made a mouse with a chicken head/ it clucked three times/ cluck, cluck, cluck/ and then it was dead I made a lot of things/ like a frog with a turkey neck/ it was the shit but I’m still lonely/ I need a homey/ so I collected limbs and made me a zombie.”
Track fifteen ends with the Jerky Boys terrorizing the Insane Clown Posse’s booking agent, but ICP gets serious on the last track, “Nothing Left”. It may seem weird that they get a little serious, but it’s quite good and thought provoking. These guys still have territory that remains untapped, and that is what makes them so appealing.
Forget Marilyn Manson. The Insane Clown Posse is here and they don’t appear to be going anywhere but to the top. The Amazing Jeckel Brothers just doesn’t get old, no matter how many times you give it a spin. With sixteen tracks of quality, not quantity, you’ll enjoy it as much a year from now as you do the day you buy it. So get down with the clown.
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