Although I listened to Imperial Teen’s What Is Not To Love many times, I still was unable to find anything that impressed me. Two guys and two girls make up this group of super-pop-star hopefuls. Their musical chemistry is obvious. Their harmonies are simple and viable and their sound is crisp, clean, and entertaining, but the same thing can be said for any number of bands that are far from memorable.
“Yoo Hoo” is the best track on the album. I found myself repeating this song over and over again in my disc player. The song is completely infectious and has the ingredients that make for a hit, but one song does not make up for a generally uneventful album. “The Beginning”, although not as infectious as “Yoo Hoo”, is also likely to find radio appeal with the pop music crowd.
“Lipstick” has a bouncy bassline and a happy-go-lucky feel. “Alone In The Grass” is a bit on the psychedelic side. It’s no masterpiece, but it certainly shows the bands range from super-sugar pop songs to trippy rock orchestration. “Crucible” continues on the same strange path that “Alone In The Grass” previously traveled, but at a snail’s pace.
Imperial Teen just doesn’t have an identity. Nothing sets them apart from the hundreds of bands out there that sound just like them.
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